
United for Equality
Domestic and Gender-based Equality
The project aims to eliminate negative stereotypes about women and men in public and private life.
Many young people in Slovakia lack knowledge about gender equality. At the same time, they are constantly exposed to ongoing stereotypes about women and men, whether in everyday situations in public and private spaces or through the media which have become a significant part of their lives.
Project United for Equality has the ambition to bring positive change in perception of gender equality and to support rejection of gender stereotypes. The main activities of the project are an awareness raising campaign and audio-visual lectures for high school and university students.
These activities will support critical thinking, expand knowledge about gender equality, provide important information, and bring a challenging topic closer to young people.
The project activities will encourage students to critically reflect on the portrayal of men and women in the media, cinematography, and advertisement; and how these influence their everyday lives.
co - financed by Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021 and the state budget of the SR
The United for Equality project benefits from a 198 000 € grant from Norway through the Norway Grants.
The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 29 700 €.
The aim of the project is to increase the share of the population and students who perceive gender equality positively and to increase the share of the population and students rejecting gender stereotypes.
The Norway Grants represent Norway’s contribution towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Through the Norway Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics.
Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with the other donors, Norway has provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014.
Norway Grants are financed solely by Norway and are available in the countries that joined the EU after 2003. For the period 2014-2021, the Norway Grants amount to €1.25 billion. The priorities for this period are:
#1 Innovation, Research, Education, Competitiveness and Decent Work
#2 Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction
#3 Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy
#4 Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights
#5 Justice and Home Affairs
All projects are co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 15%.
If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit